Make A Flood Plan
1/3/2018 (Permalink)
It is important to know what you and your family's plan will be in the case of a flood or any other emergency. Familiarizing yourself with your local emergency contacts and community emergency plans may not feel like a pressing matter, but in the case of a flood/emergency it is valuable knowledge. It is important that all family members are aware of their address, family phone numbers, important medical information, and even email addresses. Other important information to remind family members of includes:
- Emergency hotlines
- School/work phone numbers & addresses
- Childcare phone numbers & addresses
- Personal emergency contacts & addresses
- Indoor meeting places
- Neighborhood meeting places
- Out-of-Neighborhood meeting places
It is also important to have easy access to contact information of:
- Police
- Fire
- Poison Control
- Doctor
- Pediatrician
- Medical Insurance
- Policy #
- Hospital